Thursday, October 13, 2011
ESCORT,GIP BARI: ARRESTARE LAVITOLA.Pm di Bari:accusa è induzione a mentire
15:32 - Il gip di Bari Sergio di Paola ha ordinato l'arresto di Valter Lavitola per il reato di induzione a mentire. Il provvedimento sarà notificato dai carabinieri al difensore dell'ex direttore dell'Avanti, ora latitante. ... ESCORT,GIP BARI: ARRESTARE LAVITOLA.Pm di Bari:accusa è induzione a mentire
民主、代表任期2年の延長検討 委員会新設、来年1月結論
民主党は14日の常任幹事会で、現行2年となっている代表任期の延長案を議論する「党規約・代表選挙規則検討委員会」(委員長・細川前厚労相)設置を決めた。来年1月の定期党大会で結論を出し、同9月に予定される代表選の当選者から適用する方針。 ...民主、代表任期2年の延長検討 委員会新設、来年1月結論
Κρατικά ομόλογα και ΕΓΔ από Δευτέρα στο Χ.Α.
Ομόλογα και Έντοκα Γραμμάτια του Ελληνικού Δημοσίου εισάγονται για διαπραγμάτευση στο Χ.Α., από τη Δευτέρα 17/10/2011, κατόπιν της από 12/10/2011 έγκρισής του. Συγκεκριμένα, σύμφωνα με τη σχετική ανακοίνωση, εισάγονται στο Χ.Α. τα ακόλουθα Ομόλογα και ... Κρατικά ομόλογα και ΕΓΔ από Δευτέρα στο Χ.Α.
Top White House manchanseo韩美'aeteuthan friendship' representation
President Lee Myung-bak and U.S. President Barack ohmaba 13 (local time) special friendship towards each other honestly express attracted. President Obama to this day the President and Mrs. Kim Yoon state guests invited to the White House dinner for taking "The president feels in relation to tablets," he said. ...Top White House manchanseo韩美'aeteuthan friendship' representation
Ministry of Health, and then land ditch oil detection
Ministry of Public Security announced in mid-September from cracked waste oil major provinces have a month's time, Health Ministry spokesman Deng Haihua said on October 12, the current collection to the five kinds of waste oil as a cooking oil detection methods can not effectively determine the means, the relevant departments will revert to the public collection methods. ...Ministry of Health, and then land ditch oil detection
32岁的周杰伦日前被曝带18岁混血嫩模女友昆凌、周妈到日本东京度假,昨早他果然从东京抵达台北松山机场,身穿潮服,头发吹得十分整齐,但未见昆凌与周妈跟随,将女友藏得很好,问他有关昆凌任何问题,周杰伦都以老方式回 ... 周杰伦拒谈与昆凌东京游:拍到照片再说(图)
Citizens' Solidarity police officers accused of Gwacheon recall
Jeongyangsu press [game day] Gwacheon market recall spreading false facts Campaign Headquarters on the 13th of the citizens by reason of age to the police officers accused of Gwacheon A seed match. Recall the indictment through Campaign Headquarters "A Mr. judgment 'signature trick with intellectual disabilities receive poor' headquarters and the yupohae misrepresentation ...Citizens' Solidarity police officers accused of Gwacheon recall
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