
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Jacob-Grimm-Preis für Poetry-Slam-Lyrikerin Gomringer

Jacob-Grimm-Preis für Poetry-Slam-Lyrikerin Gomringer Die schweizerisch-deutsche Doppelbürgerin Nora Gomringer ist am Samstag mit dem Jacob-Grimm-Preis für Deutsche Sprache ausgezeichnet worden. Die 31-jährige Lyrikerin habe der «Slam Poetry» in Deutschland zuPopularität verholfen, urteilte die Jury. ... Jacob-Grimm-Preis für Poetry-Slam-Lyrikerin Gomringer

L'affaire de proxénétisme de Lille se dirige vers la police

L'affaire de proxénétisme de Lille se dirige vers la police PARIS (Reuters) - L'enquête sur une affaire de proxénétisme à Lille, qui a déjà entraîné la mise en examen de cinq personnes, devrait se développer cette semaine avec l'audition attendue de plusieurs policiers pour déterminer leur rôle éventuel dans un ... L'affaire de proxénétisme de Lille se dirige vers la police

Medical Center, Shandong Province, established the first network

Medical Center, Shandong Province, established the first network BEIJING, Oct. 16 Xinhua Jinan (Li Xin) 16, the first network in Shandong Province, Shandong Province Medical Center, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University was formally established, the center will re-emergency patients and patients with sudden accident to provide first aid fast technical support to ensure medical safety, for the treatment of life to build a green channel. ...Medical Center, Shandong Province, established the first network

F1: Sebastian Vettel festejó el título con triunfo en Corea

F1: Sebastian Vettel festejó el título con triunfo en Corea El alemán Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull), campeón mundial desde la pasada semana, ganó el Gran Premio de Corea del Sur de Fórmula 1 hoy en Yeongam, donde su escudería se aseguró además matemáticamente el título de constructores. ... F1: Sebastian Vettel festejó el título con triunfo en Corea

Un centenar de 'indignados' se mantienen dentro del Hotel Madrid

Un centenar de 'indignados' se mantienen dentro del Hotel Madrid Un centenar de representantes del movimiento 'indignado' se mantienen dentro del abandonado Hotel Madrid, que ocuparon en la noche de ayer, para entregárselo a familias que han pasado por procesos de desahucio. Esas cien personas se irán rotando para ... Un centenar de 'indignados' se mantienen dentro del Hotel Madrid

King of Bhutan, "We Got Married"

King of Bhutan, "We Got Married" 15 (local time), but the happiest country in Asia's poor small nations, the capital of Bhutan is located timbue window lime bath (Chang Lime Thang) to the stadium to celebrate the marriage of the king by a crowd of 30,000 people had gathered. The people of Bhutan in the stadium jigeume namgiel wangchukeu Caesar King (31) and implemented graph.King of Bhutan, "We Got Married"

8万亮相经济家轿推荐 全新2011款天语SX4上市

8万亮相经济家轿推荐 全新2011款天语SX4上市 全新款长安铃木天语SX4是长安铃木旗下的一款跨界轿车,具有典型的欧洲风格,外观时尚,线条硬朗,车身整体洋溢着活力和风度,赢得了不少年轻追求时尚的消费者的青睐。长安铃木推出全新改款天语SX4,新车的升级改进并不 ... 8万亮相经济家轿推荐 全新2011款天语SX4上市


Events French ingredients fall 愉 ■ (other) north of the city as the hotel restaurant from 19:00 Takamatsu Takamatsu International Hotel Association 27 Sim gastronomy "Guriru Yashima." Such as shrimp, lobster caught in Brittany, to provide a full course of quality food with authentic French cuisine. Burgundy wines.Events

河北今年将建成86所乡村少年宫 获彩票公益金支持

河北今年将建成86所乡村少年宫 获彩票公益金支持 笔者近日从中央专项彩票公益金支持乡村学校少年宫建设暨项目建设骨干人员培训班上获悉,"十二五"期间,我省将获近2亿元中央专项彩票公益金支持,依托农村中小学校现有场地、教室和设施,修建一批乡村少年宫,今年将建 ... 河北今年将建成86所乡村少年宫 获彩票公益金支持

Die Promi-Geburtstage vom 16. Oktober 2011: Tim Robbins

Die Promi-Geburtstage vom 16. Oktober 2011: Tim Robbins Berlin (dpa) - Nach dreijähriger Pause von der großen Leinwand hat sich der US-Schauspieler Tim Robbins beim Publikum zurückgemeldet. Dieses Jahr war er im Superhelden-Abenteuer «Green Lantern» zu sehen, wenn auch nur in einer Nebenrolle. ... Die Promi-Geburtstage vom 16. Oktober 2011: Tim Robbins

[Photo] 'ahsongpe' Perfume Nishiwaki Ayaka, "why I love cod!"

[Photo] 'ahsongpe' Perfume Nishiwaki Ayaka, "why I love cod!" [Cod = video baksewan Deo News reporter] 8th '2011 Asia Song Festival (Asia Song Festival with UNICEF) 'Japanese girl group who attended the center which opened two Parfum (Perfume), has taken the show. Jeonhyeonmu announcers and actors conducted by a community of less nui '2011 Asia Song Festival 'This cod ...[Photo] 'ahsongpe' Perfume Nishiwaki Ayaka, "why I love cod!"

Плевнелиев неубедителен въпреки оценката на близка до ГЕРБ агенция

Плевнелиев неубедителен въпреки оценката на близка до ГЕРБ агенция Кандидатът за президент на ГЕРБ Росен Плевнелиев не напусна рамките на похвалите към правителството на ГЕРБ и не спря да декларира, че е независим от него по време на първия и единствен телевизионен дебат между тримата водещи кандидати в събота вечерта ... Плевнелиев неубедителен въпреки оценката на близка до ГЕРБ агенция


大客车驾驶人超速行驶遇紧急情况时操作不当 新华社天津10月15日电 由国家安全监管总局、监察部、公安部、交通运输部、全国总工会和天津市人民政府、河北省人民政府有关负责人组成的国务院滨保高速天津"10·7"特别重大道路交通事故调查组,15日在天津召开会议,听取 ... 大客车驾驶人超速行驶遇紧急情况时操作不当

President to fight / battle in the performance demands of Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou

President to fight / battle in the performance demands of Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou President Ma Ying-jeou (in front) at 15, "Taiwan work forward - to create a golden decade" Taichung joint campaign rallies, and Premier Wu Den-yih (front left) was elected co-shouting slogans. (Figure / CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou 15 campaign rallies in Taichung City, said the Chinese Kuomintang to the actual results that four years ago to replace the ruling Democratic Progressive Party is correct. DPP Taichung, the past to do to ensure that, no ...President to fight / battle in the performance demands of Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou

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