
Friday, November 25, 2011


公元太阳能与隆基数据互相打架 公元太阳能股份有限公司(以下简称公元太阳能)IPO申请将于11月28日闯关,然而商报记者查阅该公司招股书(申报稿)发现,该公司披露的采购数据与其供应商、正在等待发行的隆基硅材料股份有限公司披露的销售数据却存在不 ... 公元太阳能与隆基数据互相打架

GCHQ to sell off spy expertise

GCHQ to sell off spy expertise GCHQ is to explore commercial applications for their top secret expertise in a move designed to help the country fight off cyber attacks. By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent The move is part of the government's new "cyber security strategy" which ... GCHQ to sell off spy expertise

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