
Saturday, October 29, 2011


攀岩已成为我生命中的一部分一位攀岩爱好者的故事 刚刚在贵州紫云县结束的国际攀岩交流大会上,来自四川成都的攀岩爱好者高翔一直在岩壁下当志愿者,维护秩序。攀爬天然岩壁对生活在城市的攀岩"发烧友"而言机会难得,因此有空时,他也会上岩壁自己练练,"攀岩已成为我 ... 攀岩已成为我生命中的一部分一位攀岩爱好者的故事


祁斌:推动社保养老体系与资本市场良性互动 十一届全国人大常委会29日举行第二十四讲专题讲座,题目是《资本市场与中国经济社会发展》。吴邦国委员长主持讲座。 主讲人中国证监会研究中心主任祁斌从全球资本市场的演进历程与启示,中国资本市场的发展历程、情况及 ... 祁斌:推动社保养老体系与资本市场良性互动

Urban transport plans in implementing the Winter Games

Urban transport plans in implementing the Winter Games Newspaper on October 30 (Reporter Ma is expanding) 11 January, the Qingdao urban area of ​​more than 200 bus lines will perform Winter Games program, first run the last train will be delayed or ahead of time. To ensure the safety of winter transportation, the bus lines are currently in the intensive preparation, the driver picked it up "to go single-track", "parking standards" and so on ...Urban transport plans in implementing the Winter Games


孙春兰会见中央宣讲团一行 本报讯 10月30日,省委书记孙春兰在福州会见党的十七届六中全会精神中央宣讲团一行。 孙春兰首先对中央宣讲团一行的到来表示欢迎。她说,六中全会刚刚闭幕,中央宣讲团就专程来闽宣讲,对全省干部群众深入学习领会、贯 ... 孙春兰会见中央宣讲团一行

首届广西园博会在柳州盛大开幕 将永久免费开放(组图)

首届广西园博会在柳州盛大开幕 将永久免费开放(组图) 首届广西园林园艺博览会吉祥物"柳娃"。广西新闻网记者 杨郑宝摄 南宁园入口处。广西新闻网记者 杨郑宝摄 广西新闻网柳州10月30日讯(记者 杨郑宝)秀美八桂,生态龙城。10月30日上午,第一届广西园林园艺博览会(简称园 ... 首届广西园博会在柳州盛大开幕 将永久免费开放(组图)

18-year-old mother child organ donation: in exchange for 48-year-old children

18-year-old mother child organ donation: in exchange for 48-year-old children Xu Shen Hui's son, 18-year-old passed away due to car accident, her son for more than one organ donation, while the liver to 48-year-old Mr. Hong. (Reporter Zheng Chaowen / photography) Xiao Zhiqian brain-dead accident six years ago, after struggling mother putting Xu Shen Hui, son to donate organs, she accidentally discovered the liver recipient, is a 48-year-old Mr. Hong. She lost her 18-year-old son, in exchange for another like 48-year-old son, Xu Shen Hui ...18-year-old mother child organ donation: in exchange for 48-year-old children


数百外军观摩解放军 中新社郑州10月30日电(记者 陶社兰)正在河南南部的大别山区进行的解放军"前锋-2011·确山"涉外演习,30日演练了装甲旅组织战斗演练,来自国防大学、空军等部分院校外军学员和英、法、德等8个国家的空降旅、装甲旅旅长和 ... 数百外军观摩解放军"前锋-2011·确山"演习

Wild boar jumping into the sea because they

Wild boar jumping into the sea because they Mokjeongmin reporter jumped into the sea, why did boar? Yangyang, Gangwon Province mulchiri the past 29 days was found in wild boar from offshore. Fishermen were near the coast in the operation away from the 1.8 ㎞ swimmers were reported to the Coast Guard discovered the boar. Wild swimming in the sea a long time, mainly because the parent ...Wild boar jumping into the sea because they

Brésil: le très populaire ex-président Lula atteint d'un cancer du larynx

Brésil: le très populaire ex-président Lula atteint d'un cancer du larynx SAO PAULO | L'ancien président brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva est atteint d'un cancer du larynx, a annoncé samedi dans un communiqué l'Hôpital Syro-Libanais de Sao Paulo, une nouvelle qui a pris par surprise le Brésil où il reste une référence ... Brésil: le très populaire ex-président Lula atteint d'un cancer du larynx


2011年天津引黄济津应急调水开始 中广网天津10月30日消息(记者陈庆滨)记者从天津市水务局获悉,在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,在国家有关部门和沿线省市的共同努力下,在天津市委、市政府的组织领导下,10月18日8时,黄河潘庄闸开闸放水,2011年引黄济 ... 2011年天津引黄济津应急调水开始

Lu Zhang Wei, a large holding <Highland you> talk about literature and expert workshops

Lu Zhang Wei, a large holding <Highland you> talk about literature and expert workshops Yantai history as the first writer won the Mao Dun, Shandong Writers Association president, Lu Dong University, Honorary President of the Faculty of Arts, 78 graduates Zhang Wei works "you on the plateau," Lu Dong 29 in Workshop held at the University. More than 60 from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Fudan University, Nankai University, Shandong University, Suzhou University, "literary criticism", "cultural contention" and other university institutes, expert-reviewed journals, ...Lu Zhang Wei, a large holding <Highland you> talk about literature and expert workshops

液晶パネルの合弁解消へ ソニー、サムスンと交渉

液晶パネルの合弁解消へ ソニー、サムスンと交渉 ソニーが、韓国サムスン電子と手掛けているテレビ用液晶パネル生産の合弁事業の解消に向けて交渉を進めていることが30日、明らかになった。約半分を出資する韓国の合弁会社「S-LCD」の持ち株をサムスンに売却する方向で、年内にも合意したい考えだ。 ... 液晶パネルの合弁解消へ ソニー、サムスンと交渉

'Enduring 2' gangmingyeong, performance surprised the audience intimacy of the men

'Enduring 2' gangmingyeong, performance surprised the audience intimacy of the men The 29th broadcast KBS 2TV 'declared free Saturday - the immortal genius 2' the singer Ali - gangmingyeong - Heo-gak-sinyongjae - namwoohyeon - imjeonghui - Lee Hong and the legendary rock band The Falcons appeared (baecheolsu guchangmo) intense competition in the daepyogok pyeolchyeotda to. Gangmingyeong day, the Falcon's hit 'first moment' was the singing. ...'Enduring 2' gangmingyeong, performance surprised the audience intimacy of the men

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